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What I read about when I read about running - Top 6 Running Books for all

Anyone training for a marathon, big race or just simply looking to get into / back into running, here are my Top 6 Books from back when I was training for my first ever attempt at the London Marathon. The majority of them I read before running the race in April. They were an inspiration to me. Time to spread the word:

1. 401 - BEN SMITH. The guy is amazing. Why I love this book is because the focus is on much more than just the running or the winning. It’s about participating. Understanding what drives you as a person, taking the leap to change your life & - although extreme - running 401 marathons in 401 days! By far, my favourite running book of 2018.

2. Running the Smoke - MICHAEL MCEWAN. The book recounts perspectives from 26 different participants in the London Marathon over the years. I was having doubts about the race. I read this 2 weeks before and it really sorted my head out. Warning: you 100% will cry more than once!

3. Eat & Run - SCOTT JUREK. The guy is a pretty famous Ultra runner but this book not only follows his story from the beginning but also acts as a cook book, as Scott documents his transition from meat eater to a plant-based diet, and how necessary nutrition can be delivered with some fun recipes. Even if you’re not a vegan (I love meat 🙈), give it a try. It’s in my top 3 for the year.

[Edit: I originally wrote this in Autumn, 2018, and despite still not being vegan in 2023, I am very much a pescatarian maybe it had some impact... *ponders*].

4. Running Like a Girl - ALEXANDRA HEMINSLEY. I am not a girl. However, other than a few pages on what to consider when buying a sports bra, this book isn’t actually too gender-specific. If you’re a girl, buy it. If you’re a boy, buy it too. It’s just a story about a girl’s journey to running a marathon and often endearing stories about how her new found love for running renewed the relationship with her father.

5. Don’t Stop Me Now - VASSOS ALEXANDER. Author is of course BBC Radio 2 sports journalist & parkrun podcast presenter. A straight forward read broken down into 26.2 tales, including the night Vassos ran 8 hours through the streets of London early one morning.

6. Run for your Life - JENNY BAKER. The book follows Jenny’s journey after cancer diagnosis. An inspiring story, largely based in West London. Brutally honest, heart warming & displaying the determination to overcome.


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